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Frequently Asked Questions


Below are frequently asked questions about canine massage. If your question is not answered please feel free to call or email us. We look forward to having a frank discussion to answer any and all questions you may have. We would like the opportunity to serve you and your pet.


What should I expect on the first visit?


The therapist will discuss the intake form you completed, they will also assess your pet's gait and body language. During this time your pet will have the opportunity to sniff around and get to know the therapist. There will be an open dialog with the pet parent during the session and to answer any questions you may have. Your pet will be massaged on a blanket on the floor, your pets bed or in a place that makes your pet comfortable.


What if my pet isn't comfortable with strangers?


The therapist has been trained to work with pets that may need time to feel at ease. The therapist's goal is for your pet to have a parasympathetic response; also known as the relaxation response. We want your pet to relax so their body can help restore itself to a happy, healthy place.


Why is massage beneficial to my pet?


Massage is beneficial to your pets body and mind wellness. It will help to relax the soft tissue of the body, improve flexibility and range of motion, helps to speed recovery from surgery or performance activities. Massage is also beneficial to pets who are fighting cancer to help comfort and restorative rest to your pet. Plus it feels good.


Do you only massage dogs?


Our therapists would enjoy the opportunity to work with your other pets. Please contact us to discuss your your pets and their needs.


My pet receives acupuncture would massage be a good addition?


Yes, massage would be a great addition. Massage is an alternative and complementary modality to acupuncture, theraputic laser, water therapy, Reiki and other holistic options. Contact us today to discuss how we can incorporate massage into your pets wellness routine. 


Why should I pay a therapist to massage my dog when I massage my pet all the time?


A trained therapist has learned massage techniques to loosen tight muscles and trigger points, carefully stretch and improve range of motion and has been schooled in anatomy / physiology, behavior and much more. Think of it this way, if you ask a friend or spouse to rub your neck it feels really good but when you have a trained therapist work on the same area they have techniques that work the muscles differently and make a bigger impact. 


Do I need to tip my dog's massage therapist?


It is not necessary to tip the therapist. If you feel that they went above and beyond your expectations you can provide a gesture of appreciation.


Please note, a referral is one of the best ways to show we are doing a great job. It means the world to us; plus once your referral completes their session you will receive 50% off your pet's next appointment. 

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